Analyst questions: Investor trends and sector-specific insights to consider.

analyst questions being answered

We’ve analyzed more than 4,300 earnings events of 1,000+ companies over a 12-month period and identified the top trends in analyst questions that an IR team needs to prepare their C-suite for before their earnings events.

Here is a breakdown by sector with the topics covered and questions asked by investors and analysts during earnings calls. These sectors include: 

Software and services

Analysts questions during earnings calls: Software and Services

Consistently, most questions asked during earnings calls for Software and Services companies revolve around factors that drive business, guidance, and capital expenditures.

In  2022, key topics discussed in analyst Q&As included:

  • Macroeconomic outlook and growth potential
  • Revenue growth and margin
  • Product roadmap and adoption

However, in 2023, analyst questions regarding AI rose to the number two spot – following the macroeconomic outlook. 

Trending questions for software and services

Analyst questions: “Could you summarize the company's approach to innovation, market expansion, and customer engagement amidst shifts in technology and market demands, and how they anticipate navigating these dynamics to drive growth and adaptability?”

“Could you please elaborate on your company’s revenue growth drivers, customer adoption strategies, and the impact of new product launches or strategic partnerships on future growth within your industry?”

“How is the integration of AI and machine learning reshaping your service models, particularly in terms of required support capacities, while also considering the traction of these technologies for subscription-based models?”


Analysts questions during earnings calls: Insurance

Analyst inquiries for the insurance sector have revolved around business drivers, guidance, and capital expenditures of companies.

Major topics of discussion include:

  • Impacts on reinsurance costs
  • Insurance pricing and dynamics as a result of macroeconomic factors
  • Risk management and capital allocation

Trending questions for insurance

Analyst questions: “Could you give a brief overview of recent shifts in reinsurance strategy, their impact on margins, and expectations for growth in the coming year, considering rate increases and changes in retention?“

“Do you have any comments regarding the current landscape of pricing competitiveness across insurance lines or any notable trends or shifts impacting your market strategies?“

“Could you provide insights on changes in your risk exposure? And within your risk appetite, where do you anticipate landing realistically through the year?”

Consumer discretionary

Analysts questions during earnings calls: Consumer disretionary

Data for the consumer sector is only available for a single quarter, but analyst discussions have revolved around business drivers, guidance, and supply chain factors.

The most common topics of discussion are:

  • Margin cycles and margin improvement
  • Inventory planning and management
  • Brand management and growth

Trending questions for consumer discrepancy

Analyst questions: “Could you explain the factors driving the operating margin guidance for the next quarter and shed light on the trends in merchandise margins and promotions affecting the margins?”

“Could you provide insight into the trajectory of inventory levels, particularly as we move towards the latter part of the year, and share your thoughts on the inventory planning for the holiday season, including your expectations around promotions?”

“Could you share insights on your strategies to enhance brand assortments? Additionally, how do you view the performance and positioning of the brands as we head into the holiday season, especially in terms of gaining market share and sustaining momentum?”


Analysts questions during earnings calls: Materials

Analyst discussions are around business drivers, the macroeconomic environment, and guidance.

The most common topics of discussion are:

  • Growth outlook and strategy
  • Market for materials and global market sizing
  • Pricing factors and profitability

Trending questions for materials

Analyst questions: “Could you provide an overview of your expected volume growth progression over the next three quarters, considering the reported performance in the previous quarter? Additionally, how do you perceive the potential impact on your growth initiatives if end markets soften more than anticipated?”

“Could you summarize the trends in your volume growth, and how you're perceiving the impact of market conditions on your shipping and growth initiatives? Additionally, could you provide insight into market share, volume trends, and expectations for various end markets crucial to your operations?”

“Could you outline the current and expected like-for-like pricing trends across various product categories, as well as provide insights into how you're perceiving market reactions and expectations for pricing in the near term, especially considering recent price announcements and market dynamics?”


Analysts questions during earnings calls: Healthcare

Primary topics for analyst questions in the healthcare industry have been around guidance, business drivers, and the macro environment.

Major topics of discussion have included:

  • Company and revenue growth factors
  • Global competition and geopolitical factors
  • Demand for gene and cell therapy

Trending questions for healthcare

Analyst questions: “Could you clarify the expected growth acceleration for products in the second half and elaborate on the drivers behind growth expectations for next year, particularly considering supply chain issues and macro headwinds? 

“Can you break down the components contributing to revenue growth, emphasizing the impact from a more cautious capital expenditure environment, and global competition-related factors?”

"Regarding the competitive landscape and your competitors' results, would positive data from your clinical trials impact your development strategy? Additionally, could you provide insight into how you perceive your positioning against competitors and any shifts in the competitive landscape?"

For more insights, check out the Q4 blog post, “Four trends in earnings events attendance“. 

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