How Electronic Arts investor relations team leveraged effective IR web design

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In this day and age, a company’s overall credibility is associated with the aesthetic quality of its website. As an experienced IR professional, Erin Rheaume, Electronic Arts Director of Financial Communications, knew how crucial it was to leverage good web design and create an engaging investor relations (IR) site to educate the Street, convey brand personality, and engage with the investment community. 

When Q4 redesigned EA’s IR website in 2020, we spoke with Erin about her plans for the new site, and she said, “To increase our reach, we plan on leveraging our IR website as a first touchpoint. Our vision is to have an evolving website, full of educational information that goes above and beyond our peers.” In addition to increasing EA’s transparency with investors, Erin also wanted to leverage design best practices to infuse the site with the brand’s bold and vibrant personality.  

Erin’s vision for the redesign was in stark contrast to EA’s previous IR site, which she says was “outdated, clunky, and hard to navigate.” It also did not reflect their playful branding and felt “disconnected from [their] corporate website.” Ultimately, the site could not scale with the increasing volume of content EA wanted to showcase on their site, including executive interviews, upcoming game launches, and primers on new accounting standards.

Since the launch of the new site, the time users spend on the homepage has increased by almost 65%, and the time spent on the financial information page has increased by 71%. Furthermore, EA has maintained an impressive 46% click-through rate from their homepage to their quarterly earnings page and has seen a 6% growth in month-over-month visitors. It’s safe to say the new site design has successfully captured visitors, increased overall engagement, and supported the strategic vision of EA’s investor relations.

To learn more about how EA successfully redesigned its IR site to increase engagement and make a measurable impact on the investment community, download the case study below.

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