A virtual investor conference case study: A snapshot of success.

Hosting a virtual investor conference

After the pandemic struck, companies needed to rethink their conventional engagement methods. A California-based Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) teamed up with Q4 and replaced its in-person event with a Virtual Investor Conference.

The virtual investor conference was notable for several distinct features. Each participant was welcomed with a personalized event page that offered tailored agendas reflecting their individual interests, ensuring every attendee felt catered to. The event diversified its outreach with a mix of sessions, ranging from expansive live presentations to more intimate fireside chats. An added advantage was the provision of on-demand recordings. This ensured that no one missed out; those unable to attend the live sessions could catch up at their convenience, and it served as an informative tool for prospective investors.

But the proof of success lies in numbers. The event didn’t just match the attendance of previous in-person events; it exceeded them. With over 100 attendees, the virtual investor conference showcased its ability to draw a broader audience and highlight the company’s investment proposition. In essence, this collaboration between the REIT company and Q4 underscores a vital lesson for the post-pandemic world: virtual conferences, when executed with precision, can rival, if not surpass, their in-person counterparts in reach and impact. If this piqued your interest, download the full case study below and explore how Q4 can elevate your next virtual event by speaking with one of our experts.

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